September 2014

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for sale - re-stock items & new products

  • Dusty Attic
    To view more closely the details of each product, don't forget to double-click on the image for a larger view. Email me at [email protected], with the product you are wishing to purchase and the quantity. Please add your address details if you wish us to post, then you will be asked to send a cheque or if direct credit is easier I will give you our bank account details. Thank you very much for shopping with us. Happy scrapping!

Scrapfest by the sea - 23-25th Aug 2013

  • Regio details
    Mission Statement: Our aim is to provide NZ scrapbookers a supportive environment in which to teach and share new scrapbooking techniques, have fun, be challenged and make friendships. We want to grow a community of scrapbookers from all over New Zealand who feel safe to share their work and ideas with others and will come together for a weekend of laughter, classes, fund raising, and support.

local classes

  • Crop day at Lyn's July 12th 10-4pm (Gold coin donation for the Bevan Fund). Shop open to the public. August 2nd LO with Joy...sorry class is full but we will take a waiting list. August 23rd 10-2 is a Minitag album class with Denise. September 13th 3 LO's with Lyn 10-3. Rest of September/October/November will be announced when dates have been confirmed.

favourites of the moment

  • Brave Girls Club
  • Color Room

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September 23, 2014

July 01, 2014

June 16, 2014

May 29, 2014

May 28, 2014

May 23, 2014

May 16, 2014

May 01, 2014

April 24, 2014

kiwi's who inspire us

products we love